The Open Schism

One of our favorite movie franchises is about to release another in their series…X-Men Days of Future Past. So, I thought this might be a good time to share Alex’s version of dyslexia. I must preface this by saying we are Christians, big Dr. Who fans, and big X-Men fans…all of which had a little bit of influence in his theory.

It was probably around the time he turned 10, when Alex came to me and said “Mom, I know what dyslexia is.” As I looked at him, I wondered where we were about to go with this, and then he said this:

“So, you know how people are born with dyslexia, right? Well, what happens is that when a baby is in his moms belly, the open schism happens. See, the open schism happens right about the time the baby is getting ready to come out. Just before that, God creates the schism, which is like a worm hole from God through the moms belly and into the baby. When that happens, God makes the babies brain a dyslexic brain. And, that is happening more and more. Do you know why? Well, you know how evolution works right? Things keep evolving, but then every once in awhile evolution takes a huge step forward…we dyslexics are going to be a part of the next huge step forward. We’re creative and outside of the box thinkers and stuff…we’re going to change things! That’s God’s plan.”

Definitely a sci-fi kid…and, one who makes me smile all the time with his theories. But, this is definitely a child embracing his dyslexia. And, I have no doubt that these kids can change our world. They are bright, creative, outside of the box thinkers who all should be given the chance and the support to reach however high they choose.

“Since the dawn of existence, there have always been moments when the course of history shifted. Such a turning point is upon us now: the conflict between the better and worst angels of our very nature, whose outcome will change our world so greatly there will be no going back. I do not know if victory is possible. I only know that great sacrifice will be required. And because the fate of many will depend on a few, we must make the last stand.” -Prof. Charles Xavier in XMen the Last Stand

“They can’t cure us. You want to know why? Because there’s nothin’ to cure.” -Storm in XMen the Last Stand

“God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.” -Peter Marshall

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